Want to lose weight?
From Richard Simmons in the 70's to every nutritionist and exercise expert since, they all agree with the following: all the fruits and vegetables you can eat, nutrient dense foods when hungry which simply means foods that are grown on a farm, from a tree, a bush or from the ground, grains for fiber, dairy foods, eat smaller portions and get plenty of exercise.
You may already know this, but your brain is going to fight you every step of the way because you have trained it to chase unhealthy sugary foods and animal fat just like a drug addict chases its original high and never quite achieves it. The way to break this habit is the same way a drug addict breaks its habit, to find healthier alternative choices and crave them not just equally as much, but more so.
If you have a beer belly, if you have a spare tire, if you are fat, obese or morbidly obese, then your body does not process sugar, animal fat or beer, it stores them as fat, so you need to stop ingesting them.
The following is a list of nutrient dense foods, but when in doubt, just remember they are everything that is grown on a farm:
- All Fruits and Vegetables
- Dark leafy greens are best
- Boneless chicken breasts
- All berries (blackberries, etc)
- Whole grain breads
- Eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt
- Potatoes, Yams
- Brown, wild or any rice
- Black beans, green beans, peas
- Salmon, shellfish, sardines
- Grass fed beef in moderation
Did you know that cereal and soda are the two main reasons why parents think their children have ADHD? So then, what can get rid of ADHD in children? Medications? NO! The solution is to avoid machine processed foods that contain sugar, like high fructose corn syrup, because they give ADHD highs and depressive crashing lows which is no wonder why children who eats cereal for breakfast can't pay attention in school.
Before sitting your children down to bowl of sugar frosted cereal every morning, think of this instead. Eggs are king. They are the most 100% complete whole foods on the planet with all 16 essential amino acids in the right ratios that are needed for the body to stay alert, reduce stress and maintain a steady energy level throughout the day without getting cravings in between main meals.
It takes just 5 minutes to cook four eggs (32g protein) and two slices of whole grain bread with "soft" margarine for those loving children you claim you care about. Maybe even a bowl of mixed fruit on the side. They won't be hungry for hours. And don't forget water, milk and avoid 100% "sugar free" fruit juice. Just remember that even fruit juices are made in a factory, not grown on a farm, so avoid them.
It takes 15 minutes for your brain to realize your stomach is full, so instead of shoveling food down your throat as fast as possible thereby causing you to unbutton your pants and feel exhausted, just eat slowly which helps your brain catch up to the food you're eating. Did you know that very few people chew their food completely before they swallow it? Imagine your stomach filled with huge chunks of meat and candy. No wonder people have stomach aches.
If you love french fries as much as I do, avoid buying them at a fast food restaurant because they're deep-fried, high in saturated fat, covered in salt, will raise your cholesterol, clog your arteries and perpetuates obesity. It's better to slice your potatoes at home, leaving the skin on, then drop them in boiling water for 5 minutes which will soften them up and remove the starch, then rinse thoroughly until the water runs clear, then wrap them in a towel and pat them dry, sprinkle with your choice of seasoning, then broil in the oven until crispy which should be 30 minutes, turning them over halfway through.
There's no such thing as healthy cake and ice cream. And there's no law that says you have to eat them when you're at a birthday party. Try throwing a birthday party serving vegetarian style pizza and bowls of mixed fruit instead.
You may notice fast food commercials showing double cheeseburgers with onion rings or french fries and bacon shoved into them. It's a heart attack waiting to happen and the food obese people love most. Cheeseburgers and french fries are addicting and a single patty cheeseburger and small order of fries is okay in moderation. But can you think of a healthier alternative from the list of farm grown foods listed above?
People who smoke cigarettes or vape believe in the lie that if they quit smoking they will gain weight. This is absolutely not true. It's your intake of sugar and animal fat that causes you to gain weight, not quitting smoking. Processed sugar makes you gain weight and animal fat raises your blood pressure to dangerous levels, clogs your arteries, causes a stroke and can give you a heart attack.
All diets work. They all work because every single one of them stresses to only eat nutrient dense foods, meaning foods that are grown on a farm, cut out all animal fats, salts and sugars, meaning everything created by a machine, and especially to eat smaller portions of the nutrient dense foods than you normally would, thereby lessening your caloric intake. The reason they didn't work for you is because you cheated. You consumed machine processed foods, especially sugary foods and sodas. So let's put the blame where the blame belongs.
There's no such thing as losing weight without exercise, regardless of what those "take a pill overnight and lose weight while you sleep without changing the foods you eat" manufacturers claim. If you're finally serious about losing weight then you need to exercise
In the early 70s only 14% of Americans were obese with a very small portion being morbidly obese. By the year 2020, over 60% of Americans were obese with the majority of them being morbidly obese. The number one reason for this is because they have created an "I don't care" attitude. Listen carefully, because every fat person will either say "I don't care, I'm married" or "I don't care, if they don't like the way I look, screw them."
In the United States alone, more than 330,000 people die every year from obesity related illnesses. That's 913 die every day. There's no such thing as a healthy obese person.
Gastric bypass surgery is for weak-willed people who cannot consciously avoid shoving large amounts of sugary and animal fatty food down their throat. Just choose farm grown foods and avoid foods created and processed by machines. Also, recipe websites on proper nutrition can help you put together flavorful four-course meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Hypnosis is not the answer. Hypnosis cannot twist your arm and force you to throw out all the bad foods in your house and to buy and eat only the healthy ones. Psychological therapy is the answer, of which I can help you with. Only then can hypnosis be used to help you maintain what you are already doing by giving you words of encouragement and the motivation to continue.