My Prices

Your first session is free and only 15 minutes long in order to see if you can follow instructions and enter a hypnotic state of mind or to see if you prefer CBT without hypnosis. Additional sessions, both virtually as well as in person in Bakersfield, are $100 per hour.

My price in and around Los Angeles County for a one-on-one in person session has always been $300 per hour, whether they require therapy, hypnosis or both. This is after their initial free 15 minute virtual meeting. And now that I have moved 140 miles north of LA, it includes my travel time and expenses as well. With this in mind, virtual therapy may be beneficial to my LA clients, especially if their job requires constant traveling.

Stop Smoking sessions are either virtually or in person locally in Bakersfield. There's no such thing as a one visit cure-all for smoking, vaping, opiates, or any addiction for that matter. Statistically, most people will go back to their addictions after 1 to 3 months if they only go to a hypnotist for one session. I recommend at least 6 sessions, one every other day for two weeks, if you're serious about quitting smoking, drugs or opiates for good. You should never wait too long in between each session.

I have given speeches at corporate events in and around the Los Angeles County area, explaining how to counter the effects of stress. According to the Center for Disease Control/National Institute on Occupational Safety & Health, 120,000 people in the US die every year as a direct result of work-related stress.

At the same events, I have also explained the importance of being self-aware, looking before you leap. Companies lose money when employees call in sick. In 2020 the CDC reported there were 1,176,340 nonfatal work injuries resulting in days away from work that were related to slips, trips, falls, overexertion and contact with objects and equipment. Don't take my word for it; just click HERE.

If you're considering a corporate event, then contact me for a rundown of my talks with the first event costing $2,000 and each additional event costing $5,000. These events are often under the category of entertainment and therefore a tax write-off. So remember, the return on your investment is much greater than the investment itself.

I accept CASH, CREDIT CARDS or ONLINE PAYMENT using a Square secured credit card processor attached to my phone or by clicking on the link below. If you're in the UK, Australia or other countries, you can pay through your PayPal app under "send money" to  

My Square link is HERE. I don't accept checks.