Past Lives Regression
There is a huge problem with professional psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotists, so called psychics, palm readers, witch doctors and voodoo priests who claim they can perform age regression into a previous life and here's why.
Our brains accumulate information from many sources, like romance novels, movies, fantasies and dreams, and they often get jumbled up, mixed together, in the process.
But the most important thing for you to understand is that our brains, actually our subconscious, can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, which is why your dreams feel so real.
So when someone hypnotizes you and supposedly takes you into a previous lifetime, you are instead pulling up a memory from a romance novel you read, a movie you saw or even a fantasy you created while daydreaming.
So even though there will always be people who believe in past lives, psychics and witch doctors, I recommend keeping an open mind that it may instead be memories created from fantasies. But if you're still a die hard in believing in past life regression then read on by clicking HERE.