Quit Smoking
Don't be one of those people who walk up to a hypnotist, throw your cigarette on the ground, then say "okay now, get me to quit smoking."
Hypnosis works best when you have seriously tried to quit smoking and need an extra little push in the right direction.
Think of hypnosis as a motivational coach who helps you stay on the road you have already taken. So if you have been attempting to quit smoking for some time, then hypnosis will definitely help you maintain that road to success.
The nicotine in smoking does one thing and one thing only, it raises the dopamine level in your brain which supposedly eases your stress, anxiety and depression.
However, 2 minutes after you quit inhaling nicotine, your dopamine level drops right back down to where it was 2 minutes before you began smoking.
If you really want to quit your nicotine addiction, then ask yourself what do non-smokers do to raise their dopamine levels? Exercise? Eat healthier? Are you willing to tell your smoking friends that they can't smoke around you, to take it outside? Are you willing to remove every ashtray and lighter from your home so that you won't be reminded of smoking?
If you need to feed your nicotine addiction, then vaping is the healthier answer over cigarettes because vaping is simply ingesting pure nicotine and cigarettes and cigars have all the other ingredients that cause people to drag around an oxygen tank, have bypass surgeries, remove a section of their lung, cough uncontrollably from the tar in tobacco, and basically cause your breath, clothes, hair and furniture to stink like a filthy ashtray. So vape away. But be aware that ingesting an entire vial of nicotine from a vape pipe will kill you instantly.